
    • May Is Garage Door Safety Month

      Each year, the International Door Association (IDA) recognises Garage Door Safety Month. Garage doors are one of the largest moving objects in your house so it is important to bring...
    • Hampton Style Homes – Find Your Perfect Garage Door

      The Hamptons is the seaside escape that wealthy New York families frequent during their summer holidays. The overall style is elegant, but casual, marrying sophistication with coastal living. Due to...
    • Garage Door Trends Moving Into 2020

      Are you considering ways to enhance the curb appeal of your home? One way of improving the aesthetics of your house is by revamping the look of your garage door....
    • Can Your Garage Door be Hacked?

      Garage doors have come a long way in the last few years. Physical locking systems have given way to electronic and digital ones, and security has vastly improved. However, even...