Garage Door Impact Damage Repair & Replacement

  • Published on January 14, 2015

Impact damage on your garage door is not only unsightly but may also affect the operation of your door, particularly roller doors.

The most common reason for garage door impact damage is usually vehicles and storms.

If your door has major damage, it may become a safety hazard or reduce the security of your home.

It’s recommended that you call us as soon as possible after the damage occurs.

We will check if the door can be repaired or full replacement is required, the extent of the damage and assess whether other operating parts of the door have been damaged and not just the door itself.

In some cases, where your garage door doesn’t need to be replaced, we may be able to roll small dents out, depending on the severity of the impact.

We suggest checking with your home insurance provider covers the replacement of your door.

If your garage door has impact damage, call us on 07 3161 5963 to receive friendly advice and to book a thorough inspection.